In the past, birthstones were believed to posses magical energies that could be used as protection. Today, birthstones are often given as presents in the form of birthstone jewelry. These pieces, such as birthstone necklaces, rings, necklaces and earrings, have a special meaning to those who wear it.
January's birthstone is garnet. This stone is a dark reddish hue. In the past this was linked to blood, and was originally thought to cure blood disorders. It is also connected with the thyroid and spleen and used to clean out the area. This stone represents love and compassion, and will help increase an individuals spiritual awareness.
February's birthstone is Amethyst. This is a violet shade of quartz. It was originally seen as a dream stone, used to help cure insomnia. It was also thought to cure drunkenness and instill a sober mind. Amethyst is seen as a power stone because it helps open up spiritual and physic centers.
March's birthstone is aquamarine, a bluish-greenish stone originating from South America. This stone was originally related to the sea, and was thought to protect sailor's from the rising waters. Wearers are thought to be protected from gossip. This stone is thought to combat depression by releasing anxiety and restlessness.
April's birthstone is white spinel or diamond. The stone was thought to increase financial prosperity and happiness. The gemstone is thought to play up an individual's physical energy and help balance their emotions. This gem has been known as the "stone of immortality", which may have been the cause for the famous saying "diamonds are forever". Considering the strong nature of diamonds, they make great 'everyday' jewelry.
May's birthstone is green spinel (or emerald). The use of this stone was thought to cure illnesses correlated with the liver, lungs, tissues, vocal chords, tongues, nervous system or the brain. This could be anything from speech impediments to defects in recalling information. The stone is also thought to increase intellectual awareness, which makes it specifically good for business men and women. The beauty and depth of the stone make it perfect for birthstone jewelry. It is something that you can take pride in for a long time.
June's stone is the smokey quartz. The stone ranges from a grayish to warm brown colour. The stone is thought to have calming and grounding properties associated with it. It is believed to regulate creative energies. It is supposed to enhance your organizational skills. This is a perfect relationship stone, as well as people in recovery.
July's stone is a ruby. Ruby is a red gem that is thought to be one of the most powerful stones. When given as a gift, it symbolizes friendship and love. July's stone is thought to be a symbol of royalty and vitality. Ruby, apart from being a stone filled with love, is thought to have healing powers to help your circulation. It was thought that you should wear rubies on your left hand to have the greatest effect.
August's stone is Peridot. This is a greenish stone which was anciently mentioned in the bible as sacred chrysolite. Peridot is the stone of lightness and beauty with meanings associated with nature. It is seen as a symbol of purity and morality. Peridot goes beautifully in a necklace, and worn around the neck it is used to protect against negative energy.
September's birthstone is blue spinel or sapphire. This is a deep blue colour. The stones are related to insight and interpretation. Sapphires are known for their healing properties reflected in bringing down fevers, inflammation, hearing problems, cancer and burns. Furthermore, the stone is thought to help banish all evil thoughts.
October's birthstone is an opal. Opals can come in many different colours and usually include a mixture of other colours within the stone as well. This stone has long been related to purity, hope and innocence. Opal has anciently been seen as the stone of love, but only to faithful lovers. It can bring bad luck or misfortune to unfaithful partners. This stone can be used to sooth emotions and increase courage
This month's birthstone is topaz. Topaz was thought to be linked with sanity, healing and life. It ranges in many different colours from a deep golden yellow, blue, light to medium brown, pink, white or even clear topaz. This stone heals and energizes. It is thought that it will help bring out the truth and forgiveness in others. Topaz represents beauty and strength.
December's stone is blue zircon, a beautiful light blue tone. In the past, this stone was worn to promote wealth and honour. It was originally thought to banish evil spirits and plagues. This stone was regarded as a good luck charm for travelers. It was used to protect them from diseases, harm and lack of sleep. This stone is believed to have ancient healing powers, and was often prescribed to insomniacs to induce sleep, used to cure against poison, and finally help in aided digestion.
Birthstone jewelry makes beautiful gifts for every occasion. It is meaningful on more than one level because of the association with the gift receiver's birth month as well as the ancient healing powers and meanings of the stone. These properties make the gift-giving experience so much more special. Birthstone jewelry makes a personalized, long-lasting and exceptional gift with a very special sentiment behind it.