
How to clean and maintain a wig?

When cleaning a wig, be careful not to rub it with your hands. Rub it gently. Rinse the hair with your fingers. Rinse with water. The water must be fine. You can't strain it, but your hair is weak.
In addition, when combing, especially long, must not comb in the end, to sub - section, from the hair tip up, slowly dredge. If it gets static, spray it with tap water or a care solution, and then comb it over with your hands! Be patient.
First, stress several points of attention.
1, on the choice of shampoo and conditioner, for ordinary daily use that can be, because the factory will wig just a little taste, after washing is very good! If you feel the need for maintenance, but also to use hair conditioner, hair must be used after washing will be very soft very smooth. bridal bair crown
2, about the water temperature choice: must not use hot water. Warm water or cold water.
The first step: the right amount of shampoo into the warm water, mixing evenly, then the wig completely soaked, soaked for 5-10 minutes. In the meantime, use your fingers to gently dredge the soft hair, soak it and then clean it with a clean water once. With the conditioner, the general procedure is the same. Be sure to clean it with clean water.
The second step: dry. After washing, wrap the towel around the wig and rub it gently to dry it. Don't rub it too much. Never use a hair dryer! After wiping, put the wig flat or buckle on a bracket, place it in a cool and ventilated place and let it dry naturally. Never sun or blow hot.

