
What if you lose your hair?

What if you lose your hair?
Permanent hair loss due to loss of hair follicles and transient alopecia caused by short periods of hair follicles. Permanent hair loss is a common form of baldness in men. In some European countries, the rate of baldness in men is as high as 40%.
Permanent hair loss (that is, male pattern hair loss) is a gradual process of hair loss. At the beginning, the front forehead hair edge after shrinking significantly, head hair; and then gradually develop, eventually develop into only the back of the head on both sides of the head, a circle of thin hair, there are three main reasons: genetic factors, male hormone deficiency or imbalance in blood circulation; obesity. In addition, a variety of skin or skin lesions, scars, natural hair growth, and chemical or physical causes of hair follicles can cause permanent hair loss.
Transient hair loss is often caused by a high fever. However, according to X light, intake of metals (such as thallium, tin and arsenic), or ingestion of drugs, malnutrition, certain inflammatory skin diseases, chronic consumption diseases, and endocrine disorders, can also cause temporary alopecia.engagement rings for woman 
There are two kinds of treatment for male pattern baldness. The first is hair transplant, where the hair follicles of the scalp with long hair are transplanted into areas where the hair is not long, i.e., from the back to the front. The second method is local dressing. Common minossi to external application, can effectively prevent the continuation of a variety of causes of hair loss, promote the regeneration of hair bald or hair parts.
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