
Bridal accessory for bride

Although bridal magazines have a zillion items listed under "bridal accessories," keep in mind that you only need to purchase the essentials or the items that are relevant to you.

No two weddings are ever truly and completely alike, and brides, too, have differing needs and varying wedding priorities. Heading to a bridal boutique without knowing the exact items you need for your wedding may lead to an expensive and mostly unnecessary shopping-spree.

To avoid unnecessary purchases while you search for your bridal accessories, we're providing you with a list of some of the most common items and garments on almost every bride's wedding accessory list.

Bridal Accessory Must-Haves

Bridal Shoes: Right after you pick the perfect dress shape and design, you have to find the perfect footwear to complement your wedding attire. Bridal shoes are arguably the most important item on your list of bridal accessories, unless you plan on going barefoot for your beach wedding.

Your choice of shoes can make or break your entire outfit. When picking out your bridal shoes, make sure your shoes match your dress. We're not just talking about your shoe-color; we're also referring to fabric and heel height.

Bridal Lingerie: You may be wearing white on the outside, but isn't sexy red or black bridal lingerie under pristine and traditional clothing the perfect way to enhance excitement before your wedding night? Bridal lingerie come in many different designs, colors and styles. Pick bridal lingerie that provide enough wedding dress support, while still making you look and feel deliciously desirable. bridal hair combs

Consider this the perfect wedding night surprise for your lucky husband.

Bridal Purse or Handbag: Bridal purses are different from those everyday handbags you carry to work. They contain a lot less makeup and absolutely no useless junk. Use your bridal purse or handbag to store your lipstick, an extra tampon and compact powder for emergencies and quick touch-ups. bridal hairpin

