
The Truth Behind Tungsten Carbide Wedding Rings

The claims that Tungsten Carbide manufacturers make about their jewelry are not entirely true and have been disproven by various strength tests. When the metal was first released onto the jewelry scene, the dealers claimed that it was indestructible and would maintain a permanent polish. They say that Tungsten Carbide makes the most wear-resistant wedding band on Earth. Sure, Tungsten Carbine rings can remain very shiny throughout their lifetime, but what good is a high polished wedding band that has a large chip or crack?

Not the Most Wear-Resistant on Earth:

Wedding rings are worn on a daily basis and receive a lot of wear and tear. While it is near impossible to scratch a Tungsten Carbide wedding ring, it can actually chip or break fairly easily. If your Tungsten Carbide wedding ring falls to a hard floor, such as one made from stone, it is very likely to shatter into pieces. This is because Tungsten Carbide is not a metal alloy, but the blend of Tungsten and Carbide powders. This creates microscopic voids within the wedding ring and weakens the product.

Impossible to Repair:

Another drawback is that Tungsten Carbide rings cannot be resized or repaired. You will wear your wedding band for a very long time, and it is very likely that your finger size may change. While most Tungsten Carbide wedding ring retailers promise to replace your ring if any damage occurs, or if your finger shrinks or grows and you need an alternate size, you will actually be receiving a brand new ring, and not the meaningful piece of jewelry that your spouse placed on your finger the day of your wedding.

This is where softer precious metals would be a better choice. Sure, they can scratch or knick easily, but they actually last longer. While wedding rings made of precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum need regular polishing, they can be repaired and easily resized, and thus there is no need to completely replace one.

Other Metals to Consider:

Stainless Steel:

Stainless steel wedding bands are very strong and more resistant to scratching than gold, silver, or platinum. They are one of the least expensive options available on the market, and because the use of the metal for wedding rings is a contemporary trend, there are many fashionable styles of stainless steel rings available.


Titanium is one of the strongest metals available for wedding rings, is 100% hypoallergenic, light in weight, and can be engraved. Titanium wedding bands can also be easily adjusted to fit or repaired if damaged, and like stainless steel, they are less expensive and come in a myriad of design options. wedding tiara


Silversmith Peter Johns created this revolutionary metal in the 1990s. This contemporary silver alloy is a combination of sterling silver, copper, and germanium; the germanium increases the metal's strength and tarnish resistance. Argentium silver is twice as hard as traditional silver, much less labor intensive to produce, and maintains a lasting finish. Argentium silver is being used in everything from wedding rings to works of art, and even musical instruments.

