
Don't Buy a Hair Vine Before Reading This

Hair vines are usually handcrafted from silver or gold toned jewellery wire with rhinestones, pearls or crystals and sometimes other gem stones, beads or charms such as shells. They vary in length but are thin and usually flexible so they can be bent into shape needed or twisted into the hair.

Should you choose one?

Since there are so many different items which can be used as bridal hair accessories it maybe difficult to decide which the right one for you is. Depending on how you are planning on wearing your hair will help make the decision as to whether a hair vine is the right bridal hair accessory for you. If you're having a more informal wedding and don't want to wear the traditional tiara then a vine might be an excellent option as it will add sparkle and elegance and feel modern but relaxed. If you were having to choose between pins and a vine with the intention of using the hair pins for decoration (not to keep your hair in place) then it may be easier to use a hair vine instead of setting many individual pins, it will be a look quicker to remove as well. The current trend is for brides to choose a romantic, messy or loose look for their hair and vines compliment this look perfectly. So if you've chosen this type of hair style a vine will look better than a rigid formal tiara. If you're getting married on a beach somewhere, then a vine is the perfect choice as beach weddings tend to be more informal affairs.

Securing your vine into the hair

Most vines are created with a metal base so they only need to be secured into the hair by placing grips through the loops at either end. However if it's quiet a long length then it may need additional grips in the middle. bridal hairpin

How to wear long and short hair vines

Since hair vines are available in different length long and short hair vines are suited to different placements. Very short vines are unsuitable to be weaved or twisted into the hair but suit back or side placements. Longer hair vines are great to be twisted into the hair, being used as a headband or placed across the forehead by passing thin ribbon through the loops at each end and tying it at the back of the head. Before you buy a vine make sure you've decided on your hair style as you will need to decide on the placement of your vine before you buy it as you will need to know the right length for you. Remember if the design you like is only made in short lengths you can always buy 2 to get the length that you need. bridal hair crown

Things To Make You Look Great On Your Wedding Day

